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unboxing guide

Looking to score some gear? Check out our handy guide to making an unboxing video, or scroll to the end to see some examples! If we like your content, we might just use it on our socials and send you some epic Allied Loot in return!

First things first, what do you need?

  • You don’t need a high-end 4K camera to shoot your unboxing video, your smartphone will be more than good enough. Make sure to record your video in portrait mode!
  • Choose somewhere with good lighting! Your lounge room, gaming room, or even your kitchen table…If they’re a bit messy (don’t worry, you’re not alone) then you might want to shoot your unboxing video somewhere else - why not try the great outdoors? (the graphics are great out there).
  • Creativity! Okay so, this isn't essential - you are more than welcome to just use our guide and submit your video - but we would love to see your personality and creativity!

Don’t want to be on camera? That’s totally fine! Here’s some ideas for what you can shoot:

  • Start from the moment your PC hits your doorstep, literally. We’d love to see that iconic Allied box on your front porch! Make sure not to show us your address details though - we don’t want to share that with our followers.
  • Use your knife or scissors to slice open the box and reveal your new Allied PC on camera.
  • Foam? Cloth bag? Strip your PC down… we want to see that beauty!
  • Now for the most important part - your setup! Show us your rig in all its glory; if you have the space, set it up at your desk and showcase those gorgeous RGB lights. Feel free to show off your personality here as well - got any fun memorabilia you want to show us? An interesting collection? We want to see it!

Want to show off your PC AND your face? Go ahead!

  • Get on camera, and walk us through your unboxing process. Unique hair? Beard? Tats? Cats? Show it off alongside your new PC!
  • You could shoot the process from a hands-on perspective, literally showing your hands on the PC. You don’t need to speak, but you can place your phone or camera somewhere and unbox your new PC in front of it.
  • You might want to present in front of the camera at first with “hey guys, this is John, and THIS is my new Allied Gaming PC” before going to B-roll type glory shots of your new PC. This is another great way of showcasing your new rig.

Oh, you want to present during your unboxing video? We love your confidence! You can either:

  • Present your unboxing on camera by filming yourself as you unbox it… telling us all about your new PC! 
  • Film your unboxing as you like (on camera or off camera) and add your voiceover afterwards. Want to be the next David Attenborough? Sure!

If you’re recording audio, it's important to make sure we can hear you! Choose a relatively quiet area to record. We want to hear what you have to say, so no matter how you film your video, you might want to cover some of these topics:

  • What PC did you buy from us? Which model? Stinger, Patriot, or the ultra-spec M.O.A.B.? Detail the PC specs! CPU, RAM, and GPU especially.
  • Are you upgrading from an old rig or is this your first PC? Tell us everything!
  • Tell us about YOU! What will you use your PC for? What games are you going to play? What resolution and refresh rate?


First of all… thank you. Your unboxing video is something we’re going to cherish. We also cherish YOU. Don’t forget - if we like your content, you can get some incredible Allied Loot in exchange. Either post your video with the #AlliedGaming, or tag us @alliedgamingpc on any social media channel - once you’ve posted, send us a DM so we don’t miss it! Don’t want to post? Email [email protected], or send us your content via DM.